Wasting away for no reason- found a possible reason

Hi just read your post and have to be honest I had notr heard of this disease, so looked it up and all I could find was about Fish Tuberculosis, sorry wish I could help more.

I found this but don't know if it will help.
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Thankyou, Miss Lydia. There is so much vague and conflicting documentation out there, several sources say it's very common, some say it's in almost every flock, then I can't understand why it is not listed with common poultry diseases like Marek's and such.
Okay, did alot of reading, and think I answered my question. Seems that (AM) is very common in small flocks , but rare or none in production houses due to sanitation and short lives of the pullets after they lay for a year+.

It is very common, can come from anywhere, wild birds, dirt, etc. Spread fecal-oral, (you know chickens they walk in their own poop).

The most common symptom is to have normal looking chickens, then one dies, and picking it up you notice that there is no fat left on it's body. They just wasted away over months, and it was never noted. There are sometimes other symptoms.

There is no cure, no medicine, no vaccine for it. It's difficult to diagnose prior to death. After death if you do a necropsy, you might find the nodules covering organs. For us back-yarders, it's very hard to prevent as well.

This looks like lengthy reading, but is more thorough than other things I've read


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