water feeder for glass tanks


12 Years
May 23, 2011
Apollo, PA
ok, so i had to move my "mean" females into solitary as she was terrorizing everyone around her, got her in a 10gal fish tank basically, in total probably about 1.75 sq. feet. only issue i'm having is what to give her water in, normal rabbit waterers clip to the side of metal cages, anyone need any that work with glass tanks?
Years ago I had one for my hedgehog that fit into his tank. The tank had a sliding lid also so it couldn't have hung over the side. I think if you look in the pet store in the gerbil/rat/guinea pig section they will have an adapter that the bottle fits into and it sits on the tank floor.

You can also use one of the flat bottomed bird waterers. They have an opening like a pop bottle waterer but they sit flat on the floor. I raised mine up on a plastic solo cup I cut so it's the water is about chest level. Although no one has tipped it over, I tape it to the side of the tank just in case (I used blue painters tape).
i have the 1 qt. bird waterers in my other coops, but being a 10gal tank i didn't want it to be to big to take space away from the bird itself, i'll check out the gerbil/small animal section next time i'm thru there
Here's a picture of it. The little one, not the big fountain feeder.

http://www.petco.com/product/6391/P...TopRated_Bird_2-_-PETCO Fountain Feeders-6391

It holds enough water for one bird for a day, of course depending how much they drink. I had two hens drink only half in a day and one isolated roo drink the whole thing. I think he drank out of boredom because when I put him in a larger cage he stopped drinking so much.

For water, don't line up the notch in the tube with the spout portion. It will empty itself. I put these in the top rack of the dishwasher without any issues.

Our hedgehog was in a 10 gallon tank and I found the rabbit waterer took up a lot of room. I felt kind of bad for him, but that was the only water option we had.

I can't find a picture of it, but it's a metal plate with a hole in it and you put the tube of the waterer into the hole from the back. The whole thing sits in the corner of the tank. I don't remember if the plate had holes in it for the bottle holder.

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