Water in their feed . . . again

Nov 7, 2021
Hey my peeps!

I posted last week when I added a lil water to my chicks feed. They looked at it and me, rolled their eyes, and kept it moving. :lau Someone on that thread mentioned giving their chicks moistened feed in a shot sized container. Well, I ordered some from eBay the other day and this afternoon decided to try again. I just left out their brooder room and look . . . this is a 2 ounce stainless steel container. I wanted to see 'em eat it but they are still scared of me so I put it in and left.

I also added a roosting toy thingy that we got from TSC yesterday. I saw one on it. I put the Saran Wrap on top of the brooder plate like suggested. It seems to only get kicked off so poop is on it, of course. Oh, speaking of brooder plate they do not seem to go under it anymore. But at only 1 week I want to know if I can simply remove it so they have more room to move around? 🤔


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If they are not getting under it, they are telling you they are warm enough.

Put them outside for a couple of hours as soon as you can. It is ok for chicks to be exposed to a little chillier air, if they can get out of the wind.

Too many people, trying to keep their chicks safe and warm, keep them in too small of a space too long.

Mrs K
My week-olds were ignoring the brooder plate until yesterday when the temperature dropped to 70F instead of 95F. I wouldn't take it out, just let them use or ignore it as they choose until they've got their feathers.

I give baby chicks their wet mash in the lid off a peanut butter jar, then they graduate to a shallow dish cut from the bottom of a small plastic jug, and then to larger dishes cut from quart plastic drinkable yogurt bottles.

It takes them a little bit to get used to the idea but once they understand what it is they LOVE it.

I work on getting them less scared of me by sitting at the door of the brooder ignoring them -- usually reading a book.

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