Water Nipple System Height?


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
South Central Kentucky
Hi All,

If this topic has been discussed before, please point me to the right place and forgive me for not finding it during my short search.

I'm in the process of building a watering system similar to the one seen in this thread: Yet another nipple waterer design.

My question is not in the design, but how high off the ground should the pipe with the nipples be placed. In the above image it appears to be about 16 inches above the ground. Is that a good height for adult White Leghorns? I assume they are full size at 10 weeks.

Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions.

The height of the nipples should be adjustable to the changing sizes of your birds. You can do that by moving the nipples up and in some cases by adding something like a brick for the shorter birds to stand on.

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Love the diagram!

I measured and my permanent one is at 22" with an adult flock of assorted large fowl. I have the seasonal run water at 24". If you cannot make your setup adjustable, hang it higher and give them something to step up on. 16" will be too low when they're fully grown.
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