

11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
I was looking at waterers on Meyer Hatchery's website. They have a product that you use with a typical 5 gallon bucket. It is bascially the bottom part of a regular waterer, but it snaps on to a 5 gallon bucket. Fill the bucket, snap the base on and flip it over. It is only $13.77, which immediatly caught my attention. Being as a 5 gallon fountain waterer is at least $30, so if this works, it's a great bargain, as I have a ton of food grade 5 gallon buckets.

Has anyone used a product such as this? Does it work well?
I had a homemade one that was similar and it sure sounded great. The reality was: yucky, stinky, hen-spitty water that got all over everywhere when I tried to clean out, its not easy to turn over a 5 gal. bucket of water...and well I could go on but I'd rather tell what we came up with instead. Take same 5 gal. bucket, drill hole in side near bottom, attach pvc pipe, run pvc pipe into coop and or run after attaching what our feed store calls water "peckers". I don't have my pics back from cvs yet but there's a similar set up on byc under quail. The bucket stays on the outside of the coop and run, and you just bring the water to the bucket.

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