Watery Liquid Filled In Earlobe


Crazy Chicken Mom
7 Years
Aug 31, 2017
New Delhi India
I just notice that my rooster earlobe some portions filled with water can anyone send help I'm unable to understand..

Actually my rooster didn't bath from a long long time from about September Due To His Dubbing and it's winter

now I'll bath him.tommorow

Currently Medicine Available are :-

@Wyorp Rock
@Texas Kiki

Sorry, I do not know what this is.

When did this bumb show up?
I would not be so quick to medicate him.

Just watch it for a little while... It may go away on its own.

It's ok I notice only today ..
He undergo for comb surgery in September since then I didn't bath him cause of his wound healing
Since then he only clean him

I only notice I've.checkout web there's in DVM I read about Outer Ear Infection due to Fungi

I Just Puncture it and clean it with liquid betadine will.bath him tomorrow first

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