Hi I have two RIR pullets approx 4 months old. They both seem very happy, healthy, and growing well. They have a nice coop and an ouside area away from preditors etc. At night they go in there coop about sunset and during the day if it is warm I let them out. One of the pullets has been haveing wet poos but wasnt sure which one. I check on them eveynight after putting them to bed and last night I watched the one poo and it was very watery. I am just switching them to laying pellets and have had them for one month. They are very affectionate chickens. I started the laying pellets yesterday but the poo happened before that. Right now we have had a cold snap in our weather bring snow and freezing temp. So yesterday I didn't let them out or today yet either. In the coop I have a 250 watt bulb I keep on at all time while it has been cold to keep the chill out of the air.
What would be the cause of this poo? Should I worry? I see them both eat and drink and they seem happy...
What would be the cause of this poo? Should I worry? I see them both eat and drink and they seem happy...