Watery poop and a couple sneezes.


Mar 27, 2020
When I first took home my day olds they already had watery poop. I'm not sure if they had always sneezed as well or if if it started when we took them outside. Now they are over 6 weeks and most still have watery poo and sneezes! They are all acting completely normal besides this. (Do they just drink too much water and are allergic to pollen? 🤣) Please tell me if this is normal or not and what I should do. Thank you.
When I first took home my day olds they already had watery poop. I'm not sure if they had always sneezed as well or if if it started when we took them outside. Now they are over 6 weeks and most still have watery poo and sneezes! They are all acting completely normal besides this. (Do they just drink too much water and are allergic to pollen? 🤣) Please tell me if this is normal or not and what I should do. Thank you.
It is hard to tell what watery poops are.

Can you post pictures?

Sneezing could be a problem.
Okay, I was able to get one.

Everyone's poo looks a little different though. Some other ones dry up looking more normal.

Here's a dry one I found. (Mostly normal)

This is gross, talking about poop!

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