We are on day 4..


11 Years
Aug 16, 2008
in the 'bator that is. And I couldn't wait any longer LOL so I candled!!

I have 13 out of 14 growing!! lots of veining, and we could see the little blob where the chick is and the hearts beating!! I showed my husband and even he, who cares not one bit about the chickens, was in awe! He was like, that's really cool! So he stood right over my shoulder while I candled the rest and he was trying to point out the chick in each one before me

I am so excited!! We have babies growing!!!
awwww, cute... My hubby did that the very first time I candled, that was the one and ONLY time. He saw it once and didnt need to see it again. Hubbys can be cute once and a while !!!!
Hopefully he doesnt get board looking at our baby thats on the way, LOL !!!!
Well, I am hoping they didn't cook on me. Sometime early this morning temp spiked to 106
I adjusted and it immediately went down to 100 so I am hoping I didn't cook them. I quickly candled ONE egg and the embryo looked ok.

I am just so upset! I have no clue why the temp spiked!

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