We finally decided to add alittle more color to our flock. We have twelve white leghorns hens and four brown leghorn hens. (almost two years old)
We purchased 6 sex-link baby pullets and we select one barred rock from the straight run cage.
1. How can I tell if barred rock is a male?
2. Is there a website that shows you what to look for?
If the barred rock turns out to be a hen, it would be cool. However, I have a gut feeling it is a male.
Has anyone had success with getting a 50/50 mix of males and pullets?
Happy Easter
Good luck with your flock
We purchased 6 sex-link baby pullets and we select one barred rock from the straight run cage.
1. How can I tell if barred rock is a male?
2. Is there a website that shows you what to look for?
If the barred rock turns out to be a hen, it would be cool. However, I have a gut feeling it is a male.
Has anyone had success with getting a 50/50 mix of males and pullets?
Happy Easter
Good luck with your flock
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