We got 8 new babies at midnight!


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
Howell, NJ
No not chickens. Piggy's
Momma started makin her nest today and I figured she might have them tonight. My hunch was right.

I've been thinking about getting a pet pig, but havent said anything to my companion. I'm afraid that he would go blastic.

However I think that one or maybe 2 (chicken math) would be fine. I dont have a dog or cat, so why not a pig????
My pigs are pets. They are smarter, cleaner, and way less trouble than our dog. I highly recommend them as pets. Feeding is the whole bag a nuts to keeping healthy pigs.

This is Lilly. She was our first pig. She was fed the wrong way. She was spoiled rotten when she was little. Snacks, over feeding, wrong feed, people food is a no no. Healthy wise she is perfect. Size wise .......... well I will give you a comparison.

Lilly is the spoiled one on the right. DD is the one on the left who has never had people food and the right amount of pig food (mini pig food is what you want). Although DD is Lilly's daughter DD is a year old and will get no larger. She is about 40lbs and the perfect size.


They can be trained to use a litter pan. Mine go outside tho. They do thier duty in the same spot so it's very easy to clean it up. (little round dry balls of poop lol)

Here is DD's Christmas photo. Yes she is smiling


If you are thinking of getting one llrumsey get one. If you get a male have it fixed.

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