we have "boking" lol


10 Years
Jul 23, 2011
I caught one of my 22 week EE's going bok bok begok! in the garage today. She was looking for breakfast but I havent really caught any of them boking like a big chicken until now! Maybe eggs soon? That would be pretty awesome lol My babies are growing up *sniff*

My chickens only "bagok" when they get spooked by something. Otherwise, they're a bunch of ninja layers.
LOL Ninja layers! Ive heard my laying hens do it when they are in their boxes or if I go to collect eggs, a few of the hens get ticked off if they were in there and run out doing it. Kinda funny. I was surprised to see "chicken hawk *the girl in my avatar. colored sort of like one of the hawks we have around*" the one making so much racket in the garage.
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Hehe, love the name....reminds me of Henry who was always after Foghorn Leghorn.

Ours don't even care if we're near them while they're in the nest boxes. Then just passively look on and don't make a single peep. The noisiest they'll ever get is when we approach the run and DON'T let them out. They mill at the door and work up quite a clamor that, if they spoke chicken, would probably make a sailor blush!
I have one egg song singer and one screamer. The screamer definitely got louder when she started laying.
LOL She's one of the only ones with a name too. I need to get a new picture of her. She's really pretty

The pullets are all so cute and its fun to go outside and yell: WHERES MY BABIES? and they come running! I will miss them by the house after I move them down to the big coop.
yep. you can read and speak chicken!

My girlfriend(also a chicken lover) calls me "chicken whisperer" and she and my neighbors must think I'm nuts when they hear me call the young girls to the second coop "gook, gook, gook" a few times softly, then they turn and come right to me and in the coop for bedtime.
It's kinda' cute.... fun when you learn to speak chicken.

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