We just jumped breeds


Aug 8, 2018
Central Texas
We've been running a 20-strong eclectic, accidental admixture of Comets, Sagittas, Marans, Plymouth Rocks, Easter Eggers, a RIR, and gifted mutts. We just went to our friendly local chicken lady and bought us six new young birds, all the same breed, tah dah. 5 beautiful hens and a handsome rooster.

Presenting the New Hampshire flock renewal project (NHFRP) of 2020. They're bigger, they lay bigger eggs, and when egg production trails off after about 2.5 years, they have a lot of meat on them.

One of our existing roosters - the younger candidate - lost the election, shall we say. The CEO and her assistant are out in the dark coop now, placing him in a cage for personal attention in the morning. At dawn. With a last cigarette and a blindfold.


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