webCam on broody chicken


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 24, 2010
I have a broody chicken that I put a webcam on. I wish I could get the link to work online so everyone could see the babies hatching today. It has been really fun watching her interact with the hatching eggs. The things chickens do when they don't know they are being watched. Because I cant get the link to work, I downloaded a few videos onto youtube.

About the hatch:
I have a blue orpington mix that is sitting on 4 b/b/s eggs. I also put two in the incubator because she is a first time mama and wanted to have a back up plan. Today is day 21 and the eggs started pipping this morning. I hear lots of tweeting and they are sure wiggling in the shells, but no zipping yet. It has been 8 hours or so since the first pip. The two in the incubator are rocking, and one has a pip. When I hatched quail they were like little popcorn popping. This is taking a lot longer.

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Both of the incubator eggs were pipped, and my husband opened the incubator. He didnt know about what lockdown meant I guess!!! Is there any chance for them to survive. They were still chirping afterwards, now noh movement or noise. This all happened about an hour ago. They have been pipped since noon today and it is now 7:30.
It's an interesting case study I have going on. Both eggs in the incubator and the eggs under the broody are going at snail speed. I guess I am just used to quail hatching so quickly. Should I be worried that they piped and have not done anything since. Its been 8 hours since pipping for both the incubator and broody eggs?

of course my husband opening the incubator didn't help at all.

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