Weird bump on eyelids...


Dec 7, 2017
Last night I posted about this and got no response

I don't know what it is or what to do for it

I have a flock of about 40 chickens and 3 ducks.
2 of my pullets a Black Astrolorp who is 6 months old and a Speckled Sussex who is 5 months old, they've been doing really good, yesterday noticed the Speckled Sussex had a bump on her eyelid. Last night while holding my black Astrolorp, I noticed she has the same thing.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance

*I noticed this morning a couple other chickens has it too*
Are they breathing normally? Any wheezing? Acting normally? Their sinus runs around the eyes so usually any swelling is a sign of possible respiratory illness. Symptoms usually develop quickly. I would seperate them immediately. If you notice any wheezing or drainage they will need an antibiotic. However sometimes it could be nothing. Our girl Cleva had severe swelling around one eye. It turned out to be a peck wound. Have they been getting pecked or are there bees around?
Are they breathing normally? Any wheezing? Acting normally? Their sinus runs around the eyes so usually any swelling is a sign of possible respiratory illness. Symptoms usually develop quickly. I would seperate them immediately. If you notice any wheezing or drainage they will need an antibiotic. However sometimes it could be nothing. Our girl Cleva had severe swelling around one eye. It turned out to be a peck wound. Have they been getting pecked or are there bees around?

They are breathing fine, I haven't noticed any wheezing, and they all seem to be acting normal. I have not seen them peck each other, but I haven't been outside with them much in the last week. No bees, but there are Hornets around here.
I would seperate them for at least 72 hours to rule out fowl pox and bronchitis. You can give 1cc childrens benadryl to take down the swelling. If symptoms get worse or persist you will need antibiotics
I would seperate them for at least 72 hours to rule out fowl pox and bronchitis. You can give 1cc childrens benadryl to take down the swelling. If symptoms get worse or persist you will need antibiotics
Sorry, I would not give Benadryl.
Both Fowl Pox and Infectious Bronchitis are viral - an Antihistamine is not going to help. A virus has to run it's course. Fowl Pox that is uncomplicated will run it's course in several weeks. Infectious Bronchitis, the same, but often it accompanies another respiratory disease or infection that may need treatment with antibiotics.

I would not separate birds unless they become lethargic or go off feed and need individual care. Separation adds stress to birds already fighting sickness. Fowl Pox is transmitted by mosquitoes and insects, keeping water stations cleaned can help prevent some direct spread. If it's IB, all birds have been exposed and birds that will become symptomatic will do so regardless of separation or not.
Sorry, I would not give Benadryl.
Both Fowl Pox and Infectious Bronchitis are viral - an Antihistamine is not going to help. A virus has to run it's course. Fowl Pox that is uncomplicated will run it's course in several weeks. Infectious Bronchitis, the same, but often it accompanies another respiratory disease or infection that may need treatment with antibiotics.

I would not separate birds unless they become lethargic or go off feed and need individual care. Separation adds stress to birds already fighting sickness. Fowl Pox is transmitted by mosquitoes and insects, keeping water stations cleaned can help prevent some direct spread. If it's IB, all birds have been exposed and birds that will become symptomatic will do so regardless of separation or not.
The benadryl was in case it is a peck wound or insect sting:old. I am fully aware of fowl pox and bronchitis being viral. It is also highly contagious. I do see your point though. It is best to err on the side of caution but with no other symptoms present I would not jump the gun

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