Weird Sores On Corners Of Chick's Mouth

Break an Egg

11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
San Antonio
My stepdaughter has a 1 week old pro red chick and it has been peeping constantly from day 1. It's not cold and it has food and water and unfortunately it is separated from the other chicks because it has weird sores in the corner of it's mouth. I don't know if the others had been pecking at it, or what.

Does this sound like somekind of disease, because I can't find any info about it online.
Thank you for answering. They are crusty and I thought it was just vomit because the chick's crop was very full, now I'm starting to think that it is canker. I read that canker was contagious and that even after the chick is better she will always be a carrier. If this is true, we may have to cull for the sake of our small flock. This will be the 2nd chick my SD has lost.

Now, dont be too hasty. I only offered this up for you to research it, just in case. If the sores are only at the outside of the mouth, it probably is not canker. Pine Grove is usually right about stuff like this, so consider his input over mine. I once believed my rooster, who was in quarantine at the time, had canker. Believe it or not, it was clumps of food stuck to the sides of his throat, LOL. It was a "whew" moment for me, but boy, did I feel dumb!
If you can see the crusty sores on the outside corners of the mouth, all you need is a vitamin supplement that contains Biotin,,Canker usually occurs when the chicks are exposed to the outside elements
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What ever happened with this? did you ever get any pictures? I've got 3 chickens, and one is starting to display hard sore/wart looking marks at the corner of her mouth. the other two do not have it. They are all on the same feed. The affected one is separated from the others in a different cage. She's got a good appetite and lots of energy (wants out of cage to run around). I've been putting some neomycin on it in case it forms an open wound. I posted a new thread with pictures of affected bird, but no comments have been posted :(

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