New duck mommy 2021
Free Ranging
I wanted to share my experience with a duck egg I incubated
I noticed a little over a week ago these dark thick veins that didn’t move when I turned the egg
Baby was still moving at that time until a few days ago then baby stopped moving when I turned the egg but had slight flickers if I sat and watched it for a good 5 mins. It continued to grow as the egg got more full
Yesterday was lockdown day 25
This morning it still has slight flickers but not often. This evening the smaller veins were gone from around the air cell area and no more flickers. I opened my egg and the yolk sac was around the babies neck 1.5 times then attached to the shell. I had to detach it from the shell then unwrap it from the neck
This is why those veins never moved this baby was all tangled up in his yolk and cord
Just wanted to share as others may have this happen although I’m sure it’s rare but possible
I guess it’s like a baby who gets the cord around it’s neck many times
Unfortunately there is nothing I could have done to prevent it or help this baby out
The other 10 eggs are fine
It’s also not my first time hatching
My incubator temps and humidity are fine
Babies are hand turned 5 times a day
I’m posting the video I sent to a friend to see if she had ever seen this before when I first noticed the weird veins
I noticed a little over a week ago these dark thick veins that didn’t move when I turned the egg
Baby was still moving at that time until a few days ago then baby stopped moving when I turned the egg but had slight flickers if I sat and watched it for a good 5 mins. It continued to grow as the egg got more full
Yesterday was lockdown day 25
This morning it still has slight flickers but not often. This evening the smaller veins were gone from around the air cell area and no more flickers. I opened my egg and the yolk sac was around the babies neck 1.5 times then attached to the shell. I had to detach it from the shell then unwrap it from the neck
This is why those veins never moved this baby was all tangled up in his yolk and cord
Just wanted to share as others may have this happen although I’m sure it’s rare but possible
I guess it’s like a baby who gets the cord around it’s neck many times
Unfortunately there is nothing I could have done to prevent it or help this baby out
The other 10 eggs are fine
It’s also not my first time hatching
My incubator temps and humidity are fine
Babies are hand turned 5 times a day
I’m posting the video I sent to a friend to see if she had ever seen this before when I first noticed the weird veins