Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

We took a 200 hundred mile drive today .Ben enjoys long drives .Down to Ardmore to check out the flea market .Wasn't worth the effort .To far away .Eggs sell cheap there ,chickens too.Spring is lovely here .Redbuds ,wild cherrys and plums blooming .We ride along talking about the virus and how it just don't seem real .But the world is like that .We are always just one bad break ,one disaster and One illness form the end.If we are blessed ,we have lived a good life .So we go placidly amoung the noise and the haste .These times try our faith and will and fortitude .We have as a people overcome so much .We will again overcome.Much like the mighty chestnut ,The roots will remain alive for many years while the chestnut grows and dies .And grows and dies yet again .Until the chestnut through nature, finds a way to sirive in spite of the blights that have devastated it for so long .Killing it back to roots just as is is able to bare fruit. But year after year it struggles back .It is showing signs of winning .There are those that suvirved one two three years ,after baring fruit .So there is hope .Hope for the chestnut ,hope for humans .Just imagine how hard it is for the chestnut.
Got a bit of a situation going on here, and no idea how to handle it.

Trying to do as the Governor suggests by staying home and away from people if I can. Not a biggie, since about the only place I go is the feed store & the bowling alley before it closed a couple weeks ago.

Problem is, one of my best friends, the one I hunt & fish with, drops in every couple weeks to check on me & generally shoot the s**t for a few hours. The guy's pretty lonely, I guess, having lost his wife a year ago. He only had a couple close friends other than me, & they're both dead now; I'm about the only one left.

He came by yesterday. We just sat & talked about hunting & fishing, like usual. He should know better, & probably does, but he's just not thinking. He works in a grocery, surrounded by other employees & customers every day. Hard to tell where they've been or who they've been around. He could easily be a carrier. For that matter, he could have the virus himself & not even know it; lots of people don't.

Here I sit, in the most vulnerable group of them all, over 65, with "underlying medical issues", and an immune system that's shot all to hell thanks to chemo.

How do you tell one of your best friends to stay away? I sure don't have it in me.
Next time sit on the porch with a bit of distance between you... Tell him that you are just being careful.

There were about five people who work in grocery stores that came down with Corona Virus in the Los Angeles area. Different stores. The store I go to has plexiglass partitions now between the Cashier and the patrons. Brilliant idea. They also wear gloves. The fellow that checked me out the other day looked Tired very very tired. Sad to say when people are tired they make mistakes.

See.... I just keep doing a mild spiral...

I have been having trouble sleeping because of it, hard to turn off the brain.

We really just go out to get groceries, and try to be careful...

But I haven't been wiping down all groceries, and we got some things delivered.... didn't wipe all those down either.

Just.... :barnie

I, too, "spiral" a bit.

And sleep? What?

My dilemma is trying to touch base with my students...and, those students with whom I've had zero contact for 2 weeks. I've left messages...still nothing.

And now, I really doubt we will be back this school year - so I've got to get my head wrapped around this whole online education thing

@Alaskan go outside and make a snowman. NOW! Then run up and down your driveway 3 times, do 72 pushups. Say the Serenity Prayer.

The Princess is cleaning the cellar. We never clean the cellar. :he
Physical activity has been a haven for me.
Also, realizing I've not been pursuing peace very well. Started a Lent devotion series (I know, kinda late in the game) that's been all about peace. Necessary.
Sending you all a big, fat chicken hug! 🥰
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So beautiful!! (Well, I guess the chickens are kinda cute too!) :D:love

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