Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Here in NJ it is following last year's pattern. All but one major storm have been either to the North or South of us.
It's kinda crazy how little snow we have... if day less than a foot. Never can I remember still being able to drive through the woods by this time of winter..... we have had some winters that were basically easy. But it's been a while.
However with little snow there's lots of ice on the lakes.
Ooooh! So short day!!!

Chapel? Which religion?

I went to a few different religious schools growing up (went to a BUNCH of different schools).

What is funny, is I went to the same school for the last 3 years of high school...

So...I went to a reunion, and the other people were reminiscing about having gone to Chapel ....

I said "huh? We had Chapel? In high school?"

They all looked at me funny, said yep, EVERY Wednesday morning.

I said "really? Did I go?"

Again, this look... then they said YES, I was there, every single Wednesday morning for three years, we all sat together.

We never moved I stayed within the same school system my whole student career
Chilly (for us anyway) here too. Happy Saturday! I've got a very "if I didn't see you come out of that shell I would not believe you came from that hen" batch of chicks hatching right now. I had set an assortment of Biele and Swedish Flower eggs... I have some really silver chicks in there!!
(Cockerel was a blue... must have had very dominant genes!)

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