well -12 below with -35 windchill and the little guy doing well


10 Years
Oct 1, 2009
Guthrie, MN
the little guinea that my wife brought home at the beginning of October is finally outside with the rest of the birds.
she was fed up with him in the house lol she brought it home and shes the one kicking him out.
i told her it was a not a good idea lol that last night was going to be one of the coldest so far this year
so i put him in with the other birds on guinea and 13 chickens
went and checked on him and he was burrowed into the bedding so i put him on the roost next to the other guinea
got up this morning he was in the same place between two EE
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well two nights down and the little guy/gal is doing great still doenst know when to get on the roost so i put it up there with the other birds when i get home at night

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