Well broody hen got some eggs....


Apr 1, 2011
Oak Grove AR
I got two eggs for my broody hen to sit on now I will see how long she is going to sit on them. She has already been sitting for about a week so I hope she don't give up. should hatch 9/21.
Congratulations on your broody hen!

I had one just go broody last week, and she's got 10 eggs under her.

I'm excited.

Good luck on your hatch!!!

There is a down side to her going broody, I only had 2 chickens that were laying eggs, so now I am only getting one egg a day till my others start to lay. I just hope that is soon.
I was lucky for my landlord had two in her coop this morning when we feed all her animals. So she gave them to me to put under her. I am going ot have to give her some chickens back maybe.
You might want to include your city AND state in your profile since sometimes folks look at that and if they live nearby, they will offer you what you need.

And you might find someone who is willing to GIVE you some eggs to place underneath your broody hen!

well she now has no eggs at all since she has broke both of them. I have to get her to stop this setting crap for I can tell now she would not be a good mother hen. So how do I get her to stop beside taking all the nest boxes out(one other chicken is laying and got pullets that should start soon).
I have taken the nest boxes out for I had to clean them and now I have to wait to get more hay for them tonight.
she is sitting in a empty nest if I don't move her out of it. I booted her out this morning gather my one egg and turned the next boxes around so no one can get in to them. If any of my pullets decide that today is the day to start to lay they are going to be laying on the floor.
Last night she was sitting on the floor.

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