May 25, 2012 #1 Jonaboo 16 Chirping 7 Years Apr 4, 2012 197 0 91 Kansas City,MO Can Welsh Harlequin ducks fly?
May 25, 2012 #2 larkflying Songster 8 Years Jun 1, 2011 572 23 121 NW Washington State - 1 hour north of Seattle in S My WH's can fly for short distances, but not very high. Probably 3 to 4 feet and only about 1 ft off the ground. If they were scared they could probably manage higher, but in general, they stay on the ground out of preference.
My WH's can fly for short distances, but not very high. Probably 3 to 4 feet and only about 1 ft off the ground. If they were scared they could probably manage higher, but in general, they stay on the ground out of preference.
May 25, 2012 #3 ChristineR Crowing 10 Years Jun 15, 2011 1,784 230 251 WA state My WH can fly up about 2 - 3 feet high and for a few feet of distance. She likes to stand on top of her house.
My WH can fly up about 2 - 3 feet high and for a few feet of distance. She likes to stand on top of her house.