Welsummer and Marans cross


14 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Northern Colorado
I just recently aqcuired a nice little Welsummer rooster. He is just now starting to show some interest in the hens. I am thinking about putting him on some of my Cuckoo Marans. Has anyone done that? Does that cross produce nice dark eggs and are the individuals pretty decent looking birds?

Also I have some Barred Rock pullets and got some Marans same age and size. Now I simply cannot tell them apart. Can anyone tell me a way I might identify them before they lay? The barring seems identical on both breeds.

Any words of wisdom?
I've put my Marans rooster on my welsummer hens and they make really nice laying hens. Their eggs are still nice and dark.

The Marans will have white legs and messier barring.

Here are some of my Marans/Welsummer mixes. Some have more gold in their hackles than others.

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Thanks for the pics. I felt like they would make great hens. I will see I suppose.

Regarding the marans vs. the plymouth barred Rock. The hens sold to me as Marans were identical in thne barring as the plymouths. and the legs are yellow. I recenty acquired some more Marans and they do have white legs. I am going to assume the first group were not Marans. The are not laying yet so cant really tell for sure.

The person who sold the first set to me told me he got them from Privett.

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