Welsummer pullet or roo??


May 21, 2015
We bought pullets for the first time and I'm curious about the coloring on this one. It just seems to stand different than the rest and it seems like the coloring might be more of what I'm seeing in rooster pictures. Anyone have some expertise they'd like to share?
Can you get a pic of the chest? (Front view) welsummer cockerels will have black on their chest...pullets will be a coral color with no black.
This is my welsummer cockerel around 6 weeks old (I think...can't remember exactly)...you can see the black coming in on the chest and the red coming in on the wings. Pullets won't have red...based on your pic so far, the body looks like the pullet color.

Dang it...the second pic didn't post...so here it is...of the chest. Like i said...pullets will have no black on chest- here you can see the black coming in.
We bought pullets for the first time and I'm curious about the coloring on this one. It just seems to stand different than the rest and it seems like the coloring might be more of what I'm seeing in rooster pictures. Anyone have some expertise they'd like to share?
Looks like a pullet to me.

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