Welsummer x Cream Legbar chicks auto sexing?

Purple House

Dec 14, 2016
Hi All

I'm thinking of hatching eggs from my Welsummer rooster and Cream Legbar pullets. Both came from lines that were autosexed at hatch. Will the new chicks also be that way since both breeds have similar coloring?

Thanks :)
They will be sex linked because the hens are barred and the rooster isnt.
Cockerels chicks will be barred and pullets chicks wont be barred.
That kind of cross is a sex link cross not an auto sexing cross.
With the legbars they are autosexing because pullets always get one barring gene and cockerels always get two copies.
Welsummers are sexed by the eye stripes.
Crossing the two breeds will lose both of those things.
The chicks from your cross wont produce sexable chicks.
And if you reverse your cross using a legbar rooster over welsummer hens their chicks would not be sexable at hatch either.
They will be sex linked because the hens are barred and the rooster isnt.
Cockerels chicks will be barred and pullets chicks wont be barred.

The chicks from your cross wont produce sexable chicks.

I'm confused, you first said they would be sex links and then you said they won't be sexable. Which did you mean?

My Welsummers were sexed by the eyeliner and also the triangle on top of their heads.
I'm confused, you first said they would be sex links and then you said they won't be sexable. Which did you mean?

My Welsummers were sexed by the eyeliner and also the triangle on top of their heads.

They will be sex links. I didnt say they wouldnt be sexable.
They wont be autosexing though which means their offspring wont be sexable.
Some should have headspots those will be males. Others wont have head spots they will be females.
They will be sex links. I didnt say they wouldnt be sexable.
They wont be autosexing though which means their offspring wont be sexable.
Some should have headspots those will be males. Others wont have head spots they will be females.
@The Moonshiner Hi! I know this thread is a year old, but I wanted to ask you, since you have knowledge in this area... I am incubating shipped eggs that are from a Dwarf Olandsk rooster over a Crested Cream Legbar hen. Will those follow the same pattern as the cross that you described above? Will the males have headspots? Barring? So these will be sexable as new chicks, but not autosexing?

I also received eggs that are from the next generation. Will chicks from the offspring of the original cross not be sex linked?

Thanks for any information you may have.

Update after hatching 5 Welsummer x Cream Legbar chicks. 4 were roosters of course, that's how it goes! They looked like legbars and had huge combs, I gave them away at 6 wks. The remaining pullet I put in with my full Welsummer pullets. I should've marked her because all of them look alike, I won't be able to tell who's who until they start laying eggs. So when they hatched, all were feather sexable like the two parent breeds. FYI for the curious :)
Update after hatching 5 Welsummer x Cream Legbar chicks. 4 were roosters of course, that's how it goes! They looked like legbars and had huge combs, I gave them away at 6 wks. The remaining pullet I put in with my full Welsummer pullets. I should've marked her because all of them look alike, I won't be able to tell who's who until they start laying eggs. So when they hatched, all were feather sexable like the two parent breeds. FYI for the curious :)
4 roosters?? Glad you got one pullet, anyway. :)
so are they olive eggers?
did anyone find out if they were olive eggers (i think thats the case). i did a cclb roo w/welsummer (and french black coper marans) and don't think i can sex either, plus I'm not sure if they will lay blue or olive (outside chance brown) becuase i reversed.... roo was cream created leg abr... does that sound right? any answers? tu
did anyone find out if they were olive eggers (i think thats the case). i did a cclb roo w/welsummer (and french black coper marans) and don't think i can sex either, plus I'm not sure if they will lay blue or olive (outside chance brown) becuase i reversed.... roo was cream created leg abr... does that sound right? any answers? tu
No that won't be sex linked.
If your birds are pure they will all lay some shade of green eggs. May be to light of green to call them olive eggers but that will depend on how dark the welsummer and marans lay.

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