west virginia pan handle marans-ers


11 Years
Dec 30, 2008
Berkeleysprings West Virginia
anyone out there raising marans ( dark eggers)........if so what kind are u raising???????? and were abouts are u located ..... i have wheatens in the incubator and a breeding pair of cuckoo marans comeing on line in about 2 months ................ and 5 months on the wheaten marans, my main bird of choice .... please for give my spelling lol
Hi! I have a blue and black copper chick and a couple black copper eggs due to hatch in a few days- I love the wheaten marans, I'd be really interested in those! I'm pretty new to all things chicken!

I live in Martinsburg, btw.
hi glad to meet you ,,, i have a few wheaten eggs (7)incubating now due to hatch the 26 and chuckoo pair ready to start breed in the next few weeks so il put some of them in the bater also . as soon as i can il start selling my name is randy glad to meet a marans owner in the area. im right across from cacapon state park , the mountian faceing the park/mountian. were did u get the chicks and how many do u have lauren?

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