What are some trending chicken breeds

I think olive eggers are still popular, as well as other mixes that produce unusual egg colors.

My favorites are barnevelder. This year I tried bantam EE and am enjoying them. I'm looking forward to the eggs. I also have a pair of bantam olive eggers.

When ordering it's still hard to get silkies and blue laced red Wyandotte, so they must be popular choices too.
People seems to REALLY love silkies. They are in huge demand. I look on the BST forums and literally half of the wanteds and ISOs are for silkies. I like them too. Personally not my all-time fave, but definitely up there.
So, I would consider silkies to be 'trending.' :)
So are some of the other unique breeds. People seem to like interesting chickens. I don't blame them!
I think the regular old, classic, docile dual purpose backyard hens will always remain up there in popularity too though--I mean barred rocks, buff orpingtons, australorp, RIR, etc
I love my Swedish Flowers. They are all so unique looking and have great personality. Not a snuggle and hold me chicken but very curious and friendly. Mine walk right up to me and talk. Although mine safe range not free range they are good foragers and lookouts. For dual purpose birds I would say good egg layers. Mine tend to go for almost a week of egg a day then take a few days off.
I am totally obsessed with my silkies, they are so entertaining and sweet, even the roosters. They do get very broody though! I would love to get some Sebrights, I think they are so beautiful but I don't know a lot about their personalities.

However, I must say that for laying, no one can beat my 2 red sexlink hens. They are about 1.5 years old, they consistently lay year round, have NEVER been broody, and their feathers have always been in tip top condition! So as far as ease of care and laying productivity, they are at the top. However for pets I would have to say my little silkie banties take the cake!
I like the larger (by a feather) all black Svart Hona. I have a mixed Svart and Bantam Cochin. She is the sweetest little hen. But the Broody Queen! I let her hatch and she was a fantastic momma. Then she wanted to do it again right away.

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