We are newbies and want to provide the most nutritious items for our 8 youngsters. We have 4 Buff Orpington and 4 Black Austrolops. We live in Northern Michigan and moved them to their forever coop about 2 weeks ago and that was a challenge. They are very spoiled and we would like to get some opinions on what is a good ground scratch for them to keep them entertained. Also, what kind of treats are good for them. They are our future egg providers as well as pets to our 9 year old daughter. We have found that they LOVE egg yolks and cooked rice. Is it ok for them to eat that on a daily basis? They look forward to something every morning when she lets them out into the run. They are currently eating Renew Poultry Non-GMO corn free, Coconut oil and Flax. We would like to keep them on the best foods possible to give us those golden eggs!!! Thanks in advance for any help.