Hi. I tend to study things out before committing to the responsibility of an animal (took me 2 years to work up to getting my kitties). If I ever got chickens I'd only want a few layers to provide eggs for home use and perhaps to give to friends. I don't want to kill the chickens for meat or for any reason I can avoid. I've been doing a lot of reading here and I've noticed that a lot of people seem to have problems with inlaying or egg blockages. People have said that the breeds produced for commercial laying seem to have the most problem with this after a couple of years of life. So what are they laying breeds that don't have problems like this? Are today's leghorns and Rhode Island reds susceptible?
I don't think I could live with it if I bought an "egg factory" so over-bred that she self-destructed after a few years.
I don't think I could live with it if I bought an "egg factory" so over-bred that she self-destructed after a few years.