What are the odds this is a boy? (BR)


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 30, 2009
I'm sorry to trouble you guys for an emergency sexing, but I need a bit of help. 2 weeks ago I bought 2 BRs (my first chicks) and I tried to pick the two more female-looking ones of the bunch... Problem is, I think I picked wrong... And I cannot keep a rooster (technically I can't keep a chicken at all - talked the neighbor into 2 hens, but I don't think I want to push it)

Now I don't think it would be fair to keep only one hen, so if my second one is likely to be a rooster, I'll go back to get another "spare" chick (hopefully female) so that I will at least have 2. So the $3 question is, what are the odds Thelma is Tom?


Thank you!

I'm relatively certain that's a Tommy you have, not a Thelma.... sorry
Comb is WAY too big for as young as that chick is. Plus you have a large, fuzzy head spot and what looks to be rooster coloration coming in. Sorry
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Yeah looks like a boy to me too

She (positive thinking) is my favorite one too... Ah well, I guess I'll go get a third (and maybe fourth) chick just in case. BTW in case it looks weird that I would buy chicks I can't keep, I buy them from a lady who has a hobby poultry farm and once I explained my situation she said that she would take back any chicken that turned out to be roosters.

Of course I didn't quite plan on getting THIS attached.

I'll keep hoping until I hear a crow...


PS. I SWEAR that white spot has been growing exponentially since I got her... And her legs lighter...
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BR are some of the easiest chicks to sex at hatching. Look for a small, even white spot on the head, as well as dark legs and an overall darker color. I know there's more things but I can't think of any right now.

Good luck!!
Not so easy to establish when one is in denial... Took me forever just to work up the courage to ask on this forum I'm so afraid of the truth...

I'm a boy, I'm a boy, but my Mom won't admit it....I'm a boy, I'm a boy and if I say I am I get it...dun..dun dun...dun dun dun dun dun dun

1966 (The Who)

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