What Are These Black Spots In My Egg ??? *pics*


11 Years
Aug 13, 2008
Holland, MA
Delaware eggs shipped from PA, candled on day seven I can clearly see an embryo at the center of the mass of veins, right were it belongs and it is moving independantly. along the edge of the growing vein mass are three very dark solid looking THINGS. I have never seen this before and would like to hear opinions as to what it could be and if the embryo will be OK.



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these are not attached to the embryo at all they are along the edges of the vein mass and look nothing like any egg that I have candled before. we have 60+ other eggs that look fine. try again?

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and they all have that? it looks like a line of sorts, at first it looked like a circle like an eye...lost now...sorry...you sure its not the shell being thicker there?? hmmmm
let me clairify:
I have 60+ eggs in the bator.
24 of the eggs were shipped and the rest were picked up from the breeder.
1 of the shipped eggs looks odd at day 7.
On day 5 it looked fine, but now it has those black lines. There are 3 black lines on the one egg, in 3 different areas of the egg.
The lines almost look like enlarged veins. One of the lines runs along the bottom of the air sack. Could this be the start of a blood ring? I can see the embryo moving, so it is alive for now. Will it survive, or is this the start of the end for this little one?
They look a little big for meat spots. Whenever I've seen something like that, it's usually a dead embryo/blood ring scenerio, but you see a live embryo? I'm stumped. It's not a double-yolker is it? With one dead and one alive?
I have never had or seen a double yoker, so that's why I can't tell. I guess it is posible, but I still am not sure. Anyone else know or have a guess?
I can't tell from your candling methods. I always use a small mag flashlight and candling down into the egg and turn off the house lights in the room. If they are in a turner just shine the light down into the egg from the top. Day 7 or 10 and you will certainly see movement of the embryo and veining. l

Edited to add, could be the embryo that has died off early, just can't tell from the position the egg is laying in. My opinion.
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