What breed (and gender)?!

It happens - the chicken world is no different the rest of the world, unfortunately - there are good apples and bad apples. The bad apples will exploit the inexperience and lack of knowledge of those they can.
I would suggest familiarizing yourself with the most basic differences between males and females (ie the saddle and hackle feathering as well as well developed sickle tail feathers visible on your birds that make their gender easily determined to those who know what they are looking at/for) -- equipping yourself with a little basic knowledge will go a long way in preventing anyone from being able to pull one over on you like this again.

That much is obvious! I will definitely be more careful next time. Here I just thought they were very pretty and so different looking from what I had. Not knowing the breed at all I just took her word for it and assumed she was honest. You know what assuming does...

Lesson learned!
I'm still new to chickens :p learn something new everday, I first got my flock of chicks this last may, and instantly new I had at least one roo, and now I'm seeing them mature more and thinking there are at least 5 roo's now :p I live out in the country so it's fine for the crowing, just not sure what to do about the future fighting im told that roo's do blah

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