What breed and rooster or hen?

tysr 11

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
sorry it wont let me comment on my last one. please help with breed and whether it is a rooster or a hen. 3 weeks old roughly. this particular one has weird light brown stripes in the middle of alot of feathers. i call it pin striping. any guesses??
who ever sold them to me said they were jersey giants but i have my doubts.
She is a Black Sex Link pullet. Females are black with orangish or light brown streaks while the roosters have a barred feathering. You should be expecting a lot of brown eggs from he when she gets older. :D
guess thats not bad after all haha. even if the stripes are everywhere? and the other chicks dont have the stripes. just this one. and this is the only one with a white belly.
guess thats not bad after all haha. even if the stripes are everywhere? and the other chicks dont have the stripes. just this one. and this is the only one with a white belly.

The others might be BJGs, but since this chick has other colors in her feathers she is either a Black Sex Link or a mix. Some BSLs have more orange in their bodies here are a few examples:


yeah. that first one has alot of similarities. thanks for your help! ill let you know how it turns out!
i was just looking and its legs and feet in some places are yellow and in other it is black. does that change anything?

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