What breed and sex is this?

Lagniappe Alpacas

In the Brooder
8 Years
May 1, 2011
Somerset, Virginia
I ordered a brown layer assortment and roos were included for packing.The breeds are listed below that were in the assortment and I ordered 3 Americuanas.They are just over 6 weeks old. Boy or girl and what breed? Thanks for your help.

Breeds that could be included in this assortment are: Golden Buff, White Rock, Barred Rock, Speckled Sussex, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delaware, New Hampshire Rd, Black Jersey Giant, Silver & Golden Laced Wyandotte, Dominique, Columbian Wyandotte, Dark Cornish, Light Brahma, Partridge Rock.

Looks like a Barred Rock, and a pullet. Barred Rocks have that coloring and comb, and the females are dark like that, if it were a cockerel, it would be lighter colored. Congrats! I love my BRs from a hatchery and they lay every day!
its a barred rock...oh your am's are actually ee's
Keep an eye on that comb - if it takes off and gets really red or much bigger in the next few weeks, it's a cockerel, regardless of feather color. It would really help if we could see the legs on your chicks. It's not poisonous to touch them, I promise

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