What breed are these bantams?


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
HI. We had these bantams given to us this week. We only know for sure the one is a silkie, and we are just curious as to the breeds of the others. Also, are any of them super good/bad egg layers? We have gotten one light brown egg, some tan ones, and one long/oblong tan one, not sure which ones came from which chickens.

Rooster and the brown hen.

Black hen lower left, silkie at right, center hen is a meanie! (ordered some peepers. Do I need peepers on them all, including the rooster? Or just on the mean one, or all the hens?)

Afore mentioned rooster, meanie, and white hen in middle. She has some brown on her breast/head.

Black and brown hens.
Ok the Roo looks like a old english bantam, the brown hen Rhode Island red bantam, the spotted one Modern game bantam and not sure on the black? For got the white one looks also to be Old english
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I have no answers to your questions but I think they are pretty little birds!

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