What breed are these hens and what will the chicks be?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
B.C. Canada
Hi, I have several of the same breed hens (as far as I know). A friend of mine ordered them for me last year and I think she told me they are sex link. What makes it a sex link? Are these hens sex links?
I have a barred rock rooster as you can see. If I hatch my ladies eggs, what will I get? what do I call them and how can I sex them?
Thank you, I really appreciate any response :)

A sex link hen is a hybrid breed hen. It's when two breeds are crossed and the traits that the chicks carry are sex linked. There are red sex links and black sex links(also known as black stars and red stars). Black sex link chickens are produced when a Rhode Island Red rooster is crossed with a Barred Rock hen. Red sex links are produced when a Rhode Island Red rooster is crossed with a Deleware hen. The chicks can be sexed at birth by color or by wing structure. For red sex links, the female chicks are red while the males are a very light red, or white. The Black sex links can be sexed when they hatch as well, going off of if they have a white marking on top of their heads, they're male. If not, female. Any color of sex link chicks can be sexed by their wing structure. It can only be done with chicks that are 1- 48 hours old, though, because they're too developed after then. You can straighten out their wings and look to see how many rows of wings they have. If there is one row, if it's just a straight line, it's a male. If there are two rows, it's a female.

If you were to breed your red sex link hens(because that is definitely what you've got there), to your Barred Rock rooster, there are a lot of different color combinations that could be present. The sex link breed DOES NOT breed true, so this means that if you were to breed a red sex link hen to a red sex link rooster, you couldn't get red sex link chicks. If you want to know anything else or have any questions, feel free to message me.
Thank you for the information! So if I hatch any eggs, they could be different colours yes? what would I call them? just Barred rock / red sex link cross? I have family and friends that would take some chicks for laying hens, I just don't know what to call them

Thank you again for the info.

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