What breed are these Ideal Hatchery Bantam chicks?


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015

I bought 6 bantam chicks from our local feed store that got them from Ideal hatchery. Unfortunately I can't figure out what they are as Ideal doesn't have any real pictures, just drawings. All these chicks are 2 weeks old.

This is Chinchilla (not sure of sex)

The coloring is that of a blue chinchilla with cream starting to come in on his/her chest (see the first pic)

This is Lemon Head (my husband named it!)

This is Nibbles. If this doesn't turn out to be a rooster I'll be surprised...this is one spicy chick. Smaller than everybody else and goes after my standard size chicks which are at least twice as big as he is.

This little one is Wisp. She's not white, she's the same color as my blue Cochin chick and my blue splash Maran chick. It's kind of a light bluish gray. The comb is very pink.

The chick in the middle and the little black one below are the last two unknowns. I thought the chipmunk one was going to be a bantam welsummer but I have a standard welsummer chick in there and they don't look anything alike. The little black one is the tiniest little chick I've ever seen. I've seen bigger sparrows. The chick is totally black with absolutely no color coming in at all. Legs are black as well.

Tough breeds! Here are my guesses:

Chinchilla is a Self Blue Old English
Lemon Head is tough, I want to say Crele or Cuckoo, but the chick coloration is wrong, and it should have grey-barred fathers, too.
Nibbles is a Lemon Blue Old English
Wisp looks like a White Old English, or Silver Blue Old English
The chipmunk-colored chick is a Spangled Old English
The black chick is a Black Old English

Not entirely sure on all, but that's what I'm guessing.
Do you think lemon head could be a Cornish? The body and head kind of look like a Cornish.
Tough breeds! Here are my guesses:

Chinchilla is a Self Blue Old English
Lemon Head is tough, I want to say Crele or Cuckoo, but the chick coloration is wrong, and it should have grey-barred fathers, too.
Nibbles is a Lemon Blue Old English
Wisp looks like a White Old English, or Silver Blue Old English
The chipmunk-colored chick is a Spangled Old English
The black chick is a Black Old English

Not entirely sure on all, but that's what I'm guessing.

I managed to get her into some different light...does this help identify her?

If this is indeed a Lemon Blue (which seems likely), then can you tell if this will be a rooster or hen by the feathers coming in?

I'm guessing that maybe the chick does have some Cornish in it, the thick legs and fat body. I'm still thinking it's an Old English, since it's with the others, but there it no recognized variety with completely golden-barred plumage. Maybe there is an unrecognized variety like Golden Cuckoo or Buff-laced. Tell me how she/he turns out!

Lemon Blue Old English cockerels and pullets have very similar plumage patterns. But the comb is large, and very slightly reddish, so I'm guessing cock.
Tough breeds! Here are my guesses:

Chinchilla is a Self Blue Old English
Lemon Head is tough, I want to say Crele or Cuckoo, but the chick coloration is wrong, and it should have grey-barred fathers, too.
Nibbles is a Lemon Blue Old English
Wisp looks like a White Old English, or Silver Blue Old English
The chipmunk-colored chick is a Spangled Old English
The black chick is a Black Old English

Not entirely sure on all, but that's what I'm guessing.
I agree.
Ideal only sells six types of cornish:

The Blue cornish
White Cornish
Dark Cornish
Blue laced Red
White laced red

Are any of those possibilities?

The other breeds they put in the assortment are the Japanses, Dutch and D'anver.
I'm going to go with White-laced Red Cornish Bantam. The chick coloration is correct. The feathers look more barred rather than laced, but that could just be something they grow out of. The red isn't quite as red as it should, but it could be the lighting, or strain of chicks.

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