What breed are these reds I got from Tractor Supply??


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2017
I got 6 red chickens from Tractor Supply but they were unorganized and didn't have any idea what they were. They are a few months old now and I still don't know what they are. I have 5 pullets and one cockerel and I am trying to re-home him but it is more difficult when I don't know for sure what he is. Based off of what Tractor Supply sells I am thinking they must be either Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires, or Production reds. They all have a bit of black in their tails and the cockerel has black at the base of his neck. The first 2 pictures are pullets from a little while back, they have more defined black in their tails now. And the last 2 pictures are of the cockerel today. Anyone have any ideas?
18618668_1970848633139071_934348459_o.jpg 18618960_1970848626472405_1648555559_o.jpg 19046709_1979385788952022_1791351131_n.jpg 19048337_1979385862285348_1732482189_o.jpg
Looks like pro. Reds to me. But im not very good at this lol.
I was leaning towards production reds too! The black on the cockerels neck is throwing me off though...I don't see any pictures of any of the breeds having that haha
on my cell and can't make out the back of his neck. What does it look like?

He has black, almost florescent-like, feathers where his neck blends into his body. It's very pretty but none of the pictures I have seen of any of those 3 breeds have anything like that....
Yes I keep going back and forth between rhode island red or production red! They have been getting darker as they are maturing so perhaps they are RIR... They look so much alike!! Lol
they do look a lot alike. It would take someone better than me two really tell you which one it is. But the Rhode Island Reds are darker than the production Reds. mine was supposed to be a production red but he's gotten darker the older he gets.

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