What breed are these?


May 19, 2015


Hello, i am new to this and wondered if anyone could help me? I bought these today as Burfords but cant seem to find any others that are this colour. Are they perhaps another breed? Thank you.
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While my knowledge of these birds is limited to what I've found and read today, I can't say that those birds look at all like what I understand they should.
Here is a thread on burfords ~ https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/846092/burford-brown
I have to say I don't think your hens are burfords. They are just too light coloured and look to be some other kind of hybrid hen. Burfords are a hybrid with an apparently closely guarded secret to their parentage. From what I've just read many people are passing them off as burfords.

You still have some lovely birds there and if they are hybrids as I think they are they should be good egg layers.

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