Ok so we swapped what we was told was a pullet but turned out to be a roo. This is the "pullet" we swapped him for. Im just wanting confirmation that she is infact a she and any help on the breed, she is pictured with my other 2 pullets that we have 3 weeks and i think they around 12 week old, and due to the size of my new 1 im guessing she's abit younger.
So please, please, please tell me i have got a pullet this time.
She's sooo friendly she is the only one that allows you to pick her up easily and just sits there and loves to be stroked. She was roaming and even stood there why my 4yr old boy stroked her where as the other 2 run a mile!
Any1 that helped me identify the last you one you were all spot on she was infact a roo, confirmed when he mounted my splash!

Fingers crossed!! Pullet Pullet!!
So please, please, please tell me i have got a pullet this time.

Any1 that helped me identify the last you one you were all spot on she was infact a roo, confirmed when he mounted my splash!

Fingers crossed!! Pullet Pullet!!