What breed Hen am I?

Where did you get her? Not a Wyandotte, as I don't see a rose comb (though it is a little hard to tell in the photo). Could be a Blue Orpington/Blue Orpington mix.
She looks like a Wyandotte to me as well. I can't tell if it has a rose or straight comb, but even though they're suppose to have a rose comb, its not all that uncommon for them to have a straight.

She's very pretty!
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Wyandottes are supposed to have yellow legs, but its common to see them (especially hatchery quality) with slate or yellow with dark wash....

I'm not saying she can't be an Orp/Orp cross, but she looks very Wyandotte-ish to me :)
Wyandottes are supposed to have yellow legs, but its common to see them (especially hatchery quality) with slate or yellow with dark wash....

I'm not saying she can't be an Orp/Orp cross, but she looks very Wyandotte-ish to me

Naturally, hatchery stock can be all over the place so anything is possible.
I think her head is more Orp shaped than Wyandotte, though, but you never know.
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I got it from a local guy who did not mark any of the eggs-only 1 out of 3 dozen survived. Actually one one to hatch and survive

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