What breed is my neighbor's rooster?


7 Years
Mar 13, 2014
Spokane, WA
My neighbor is an older farm lady who has never paid any attention to what breed of chickens she has. She never has to buy chickens, people just give them to her. Today, I was over at her house and she told me she acquired 6 new hens from the animal shelter. I looked them over and spouted off their breeds. Then she wanted to know if i knew what her roosters were. I could tell one was a Plymouth Barred rock, but I don't know what this one is. Anyone know? Is it a brown Leghorn roo maybe? I don't see white earlobes like they usually have. Thank you!

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Maybe a Welsummer mix... I'm not a breed expert... But I think he's just a mongrel and a bad one at that. Could also be various other mixes like RIR and Black Australorp, that cross commonly produces this sort of coloring.

I've never seen a chook's eye so far from the tip of his beak. His crest is a mess. Well, good for him to land on his feet at a place where nobody cares about appearances!

Best wishes.
Maybe a Welsummer mix... I'm not a breed expert... But I think he's just a mongrel and a bad one at that. Could also be various other mixes like RIR and Black Australorp, that cross commonly produces this sort of coloring.

I've never seen a chook's eye so far from the tip of his beak. His crest is a mess. Well, good for him to land on his feet at a place where nobody cares about appearances!

Best wishes.
LOL LOL LOL LOL.....you really cracked me up!!! So funny! Not only is he a mongrel LOOKING beast, he kind of is one too, he isn't very nice! My neighbor has 2 roosters. The other is a very good looking nice Plymouth Rock. She wants to eat one of them......I suppose this is the one that will become supper eventually.

The funniest looking hen she has looks like a a cross between a silver laced wyandotte and an easter egger. Her head is EE alll the way, reds and browns in color with puffy cheeks and all. The back half is perfectly silver laced wyandotte. It causes pain to look at her....LOL. It's as if someone cut 2 chickens in half and sewed them together, the front half does not match, not even in color to the back half. But she's a sweetie and cranks out the eggs and my neighbor loves her!
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Ah lol, well I certainly condone the idea of this fellow being invited to dinner. He's got no redeeming features visually and if his temperament isn't his saving grace, then he needs to go. That hen sounds interesting, would love to see a pic of her.

Best wishes.
Yep, he has no redeeming qualities except how well he has been fed and how good he is going to taste.....LOL. She will be sending Grandpa out to retrieve him and dispatch him....

Thank you everyone for your input.

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