what breed is my rooster?


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Reagan TN

Can someone identify his breed? Thanks!
Thank you! He was given to me and i had no idea what he was. I am new to raising chickens and got my hens as little chicks from TSC back in March.
Sorry to disagree with all of you, but he's absolutely not a pure Barred Rock. He's either 1/2 BR or a standard Black Sex Link rooster. Hackles are way too silver.

See my rooster here? He's 1/2 Delaware and 1/2 BR-note the very silver hackles.

THIS is what you want to see in a pure BR--see the evenly barred hackles, no silver overload?

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I gave some chicks to a friend, one who they said was a Barred Rock rooster. Hoping they were right since my rooster had died shortly before, I went and took a look.

He looked very much like the OP's rooster. He was a cross between my BR hen and Birchen Marans.

Many time folks don't know breeds. This same friend thought my Dominique hens were Barred Rocks.

Which is why I love BYC. You learn somethings if you stick around.
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