May 11, 2015 #2 keesmom Free Ranging 12 Years Jul 28, 2008 10,711 4,688 531 MA Buff Orpington pullet. Last edited: May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015 Thread starter #3 laurenhomer Chirping 8 Years Apr 20, 2015 39 28 97 Central Massachusetts Yay! I went back a few weeks later and they said she may be a Cornish - which terrified us because she's a pet - not for food. She's not growing any faster than the black pullets we got at the same time.
Yay! I went back a few weeks later and they said she may be a Cornish - which terrified us because she's a pet - not for food. She's not growing any faster than the black pullets we got at the same time.