What breed is this brown speckled egg laying hen


8 Years
Jan 2, 2012
Can you tell me what breed this pretty brown speckled egg laying hen is. She showed up at our boarding facility when she was half grown.
She is a wonderful hen and a great layer but I do not know what she is. She is mostly gray. Since BYC will not let me post a photo because I
am new. If you think you might know what she is please e-mail me and I will e-mail the photo to you. Thanks
You can post pics once you have 10 posts. But if you still don't want to I can e-mail you.
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You can post your photo on a photo host (like Photobucket) and link to it. As long as you don't protect the photo, that lets people view it without giving their email address out (which is opening the door wide to a potential spammer...)

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