Nov 6, 2012 #2 donrae Rest in Peace -2017 Jun 18, 2010 31,454 4,242 581 Southern Oregon Easter egger rooster.
Nov 6, 2012 Thread starter #3 friedchickenman Hatching 7 Years Nov 5, 2012 7 1 7 should i keep him or kill him. he is very noisy and i think he is just a waste of feed.
Nov 6, 2012 #4 donrae Rest in Peace -2017 Jun 18, 2010 31,454 4,242 581 Southern Oregon Well that's up to you. Personally, I love roosters. They taste like chicken! But, if you're not wanting chicks from him and don't need him as warning or protection for your flock while free ranging and you just don't like him, invite him to dinner.
Well that's up to you. Personally, I love roosters. They taste like chicken! But, if you're not wanting chicks from him and don't need him as warning or protection for your flock while free ranging and you just don't like him, invite him to dinner.