What breed is this rooster ?


Aug 1, 2022
Västra Götaland Sverige
so down below is a picture of my dads rooster from last year (sadly he had to be put down because of constant fighting with the other rooster hence his comb being like that, this was after a big fight that left him nearly unconscious so we took him inside for extra caretaking not that it’s super relevant information) I’m just wondering what breed he is because we have new chicks that look like he did when he was younger and they’re displaying the same aggressive behaviors he had when he was younger as well such as constant pulling eachothers neck feathers and not letting go and in general just being “chaotic” and fighting or picking fights while the other ones of other colors were much calmer as baby chicks and didn’t once hurt eachother as babies. Could it be an aggressive breed or is it just genetic because they did come from the same chicken and rooster.
If he's a young fellow(Cockerel), then he was most likely trying to take role as flock Alpha. And to do that he needs to dethrone the Alpha in the flock first, by either, beating him into submission, or killing him.(Roosters Killing Roosters in a regular Barnyard setting is rare though)

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