What breed to get?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
Helllo all, first post and getting excited to be getting into this. I have read various differnt articles and posts but an still not sure which breed would be best for us in general.

I am looking at getting 6 hens, but not exactly sure which breed to get. We live on 1 acre in western Pa. I would like to get brown eggs, that are large to xlarge. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated and sorry if this is the wrong forum.

Some Good Ones Are Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Speckled Sussex, and Black Australorps.
Some others that are nice are Easter Eggers, which lay Green or Blue Eggs.

I have Rhode Island Reds, all about 10 months old, they are laying machines, i wouldnt describe their eggs as extra large though, large and consitent in colour, size, single yokers and every day. I like the temprament, mischevious but protective of each other, they are tough as well. As for the others, i have just added some Barred Rocks to the flock, yet to see their egg production so i wont comment!
I'm a first timer (slowly approaching the end of my first full year... wow.) and I do have to say that I love my Wyandottes. Big, fluffy, and consistent. Oh, and full of personality. Don't get 'em if you don't want to be told where to go every morning by a grumpy soon-to-lay hen
These are excellent brown egg layers, and I have 5 of each breed except Buff Orps. Mine are still too young to lay but I got them for that reason, as well as them being very easy going and not aggressive at all. I think my black sex links may be the best layers I have, according to fans of the cross.

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