What breeder/hatchery is best?


8 Years
Jun 30, 2011
I am planning to buy 5 more chicks to go along with my 2 silkies and EE but I dont know what online place to order from and before making a mistake Id like to ask you guys.

I want to order online because its cheaper. . . so I think haha
Is it cheaper? I live in Hawaii, so would I get charged a whole lot extra for shipping and fees?

Also, Im afraid to open a box up of dead chicks or in a few weeks have a chick pass. Plus, my younger brother wouldnt be too happy to see that either (he cried when I ate a chicken quesidilla, very sensitive. Maybe because hes 7?)

So any success? Failures? Thank you so much!!

Our local breeders have chicks ranging from $5-$25 per chick. Ive really looked at the $5 places and I am not too interested in their breeds(i.e. leghorns because they are "aggressive".)

Thanks again
the meyer hatchery is a really good place to order from i order some black australorps from them and they are doing excellent
I have bought all my birds locally and I am so pleased I didn't order from a hatchery. Just because I can go look at the birds and see what I'm getting and not have to wait (maybe I'm a little impatient).

Not to say anything bad about the hatcheries.
Leghorns arent really aggressive. Thats like saying that all blonde people are stupid! Every bird, just like every person, has its own personality. I had a leghorn who would hop on my shoulder and snuggle, and another who runs from me when i come within 10 feet.
My leghorn pullet is the friendliest chick in my whole bunch. she is the only one who will let me hold her and eats out of my hand. I buy all of my chicks locally too because I like to let the kids pick them out.

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