What breeds and gender please?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 28, 2014
Hi, I'm new to the site and wondered if anyone can help with gender and breed of our two 9 week old bantams? They may well be cross breeds.



Thanks in advance for any information!!
My first thought was Cochin for the bottom one, but the head throws me only ever seen that mohawk on my Icelandics.
Does the top one have ”ear.muffs” or ”fuzzy cheeks” ?
Thanks for the replies. Will have a closer look at Shadow's ears. She seems a big breed, large for 9 weeks. And black legs if that helps.

Thanks again.
As for Custard, she is definitely cute and we wondered if she was part polish with that Mohican!
1st one looks like a Black Sex-LInk or Black Sex-Link mix. The other is probably a Cochin/Polish or Cochin/Silkie mix.

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